‘Don’t underestimate the power of that gentle smile and sense of lightness after a session - that subtle glow of radiance is the sign of a woman about to experience serious shifts in her world’
Your body, you see, that's where it all starts.
Clients often reflect to me how light and grounded they feel after a session - Which delights / excites / inspires / me, because I understand how impactful the shifts are from this place of grounded aliveness.
The thing is, in this process of releasing, your natural radiance and innate power is revealed.
It was always there.
But in the releasing / de-armouring / letting go - it suddenly becomes available.
Once you realise the truth and magic you’ve buried beneath fear and baggage of past relationships.
It seems surprising yet completely inevitable, leaving you with a sense of ‘of course this is me.
How could I have ever disconnected from this true essence?’
That moment is so empowering yet so simple, you wonder how you ever got so lost that you were searching in all the most obscure places.
And in the safety of being held and guided - you discover the preciousness of your own divinity right there, within your own body.
Remembered in a moment of finally letting go.