When we relax and feel safe we can unfold.
We can breathe. We can let life pulsate within us
In each moment, our body and nervous system are craving this unfolding…
The constant question below the surface of our being: ” Is this place trustable for me to unfold?”
In my body work sessions, I create a trustable space, grounded in integrity, providing touch that gives your body the signal that it’s safe to unfold..⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For some people, this may be the first safe space they have ever truly experienced.
And once they experience it in the safety of my presence, it becomes a blueprint to gravitate to, notice and create more spaces where unfolding is the norm.
Unfold. Receive, Release. Let go.
Surrender to the beauty of yourself, of love and of life.
In service of your healing, P
